Small Details that Make a Big Difference for Buzzeasy Customers and Partners

Small Details that Make a Big Difference for Buzzeasy Customers and Partners

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What is it that makes you choose between one contact centre platform and any other? Or, from a partner perspective, makes a solution easy to sell? In an ultra-competitive market, small details often make a difference between solid uptake and growth and struggling to keep pace with the competition.  

That’s the viewpoint of Viktor Gajodi, CEO of Buzzeasy, the contact centre solution for Microsoft Teams solution. The company gets a lot of positive customer feedback on Buzzeasy. Interestingly, much of it focuses on specific features that, on their own, might seem to be of little significance, but taken collectively, make a big difference to the user experience – and to the partners selling and supporting Buzzeasy. 

To read the full article, please click here.

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